Healthy employee – healthy family and organization. Theoretical considerations through the prism of some factors affecting the mutual relationship

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Iwona Nowakowska, Renata Rasińska

3 (57) 2015 s. 344–348
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Fraza do cytowania: Nowakowska I, Rasińska R Healthy employee – healthy family and organization. Theoretical considerations through the prism of some factors affecting the mutual relationship. Piel Pol. 2015;3(57):344–348.

Health status of an employee in the context of their effective professional activity and proper functioning on the ground of private and family life, is a priority factor which allows the evaluation of numerous aspects of their performance. These include, among others, quality of life and its relationship to quality of work and quality of professional life. The article also addresses the issues related to the load resulting from stressors occurring in the workplace, as well as a theoretical analysis of selected contexts referring to job burnout and social and organizational support provided for employees. In particular, these issues affect employees in healthcare entities. It is connected mainly with the specifics of work and burdens typical of people employed as healthcare professionals.

Key words: healthy employee, quality of work, stress, job burnout, social support.

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