Internet communication as an active medium of communication of health knowledge – opportunities, risks and limitations

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Marta Estera Kowalska, Paweł Kalinowski, Urszula Bojakowska

4 (50) 2013 s. 300–304
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Fraza do cytowania: Kowalska ME, Kalinowski P, Bojakowska U Internet communication as an active medium of communication of health knowledge – opportunities, risks and limitations. Piel Pol. 2013;4(50):300–304.

Introduction. The popularity of online communication among adolescents makes one try to assess the positive and negative aspects of its influence in the sphere of physical, mental and social development. Aim of study. The aim of this study is to present the issues of Internet communication as an interactive medium of communication of health knowledge among young people, as well as the presentation of positive and negative impacts on the health of Internet communication. Material and methods. The review of scientific literature. Results. Internet communication can be an important tool in the transmission of health knowledge among young people, because of its universality, accessibility, and various forms of interactions with the use of modern technologies (e-health promotion). At the same time these features of Internet communication may become its limitation because of a vast sea of information and the chaos in the vast web space. The use of Internet communication also carries a wide range of threats to the physical, mental and social health. Summary. The Internet is a communication tool which must be used skillfully and the users must be aware of its negative and positive features. Only then it can become an efficient and effective medium of communication of knowledge about health of young people.

Key words: online communication, health promotion, youth.

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