Distribution system in the pharmaceutical market

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Błażej Janicki, Jan Nowomiejski, Renata Rasińska

2 (60) 2016 s. 208–213
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20883/pielpol.2016.12

Fraza do cytowania: Janicki B, Nowomiejski J, Rasińska R Distribution system in the pharmaceutical market. Piel Pol. 2016;2(60):208–213. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20883/pielpol.2016.12

Introduction. Currently, the pharmaceutical market thrives as one of the most developed sectors of the economy. Poland is one of the largest markets in the pharmaceutical sector among the countries of the European Union. Aim. The aim of the study was to obtain profound knowledge about the interaction of the distributors of medicines and medical products on the territory of Wielkopolska. Material and methods. The study was conducted by means of the survey. The respondents were asked 20 questions concerning trading conditions influencing the choice of the distributor and further cooperation. The study involved 40 women and 12 men. The age of the respondents was diverse. Most, however, were in the range of 20–30 years. Results and conclusions. Pharmacists want to cooperate with reliable suppliers and the ones that offer a wide assortment. The largest distributors on the market, do not require from their customers a minimum of logistics, and if the minimum amount is required, it is symbolic in respect to the entire order. Keeping in mind the benefit of patients, the waiting time for the drug longer than 2 hours does not, of course, have a positive effect on the reputation of the pharmacy. The most important factor of cooperation is efficiency of supplies, as well as their completeness. And the least important factor that does not have much influence on cooperation with the pharmaceutical wholesaler is a possibility of delayed payment.

Key words: pharmaceutical market, distribution, pharmaceutical wholesaler.

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