Occupational burnout syndrome – symptoms and risk factors

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Agnieszka Bańkowska

2 (60) 2016 s. 256–260
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20883/pielpol.2016.20

Fraza do cytowania: Bańkowska A Occupational burnout syndrome – symptoms and risk factors. Piel Pol. 2016;2(60):256–260. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20883/pielpol.2016.20

Professional activity and health of employees in healthcare entities are influenced by a huge number of stimuli of various origins. There are those that motivate to action and as a result, the implementation of tasks at medical positions does not only have a physical dimension. However, there are also those whose appearance results in severe symptoms with a negative impact on functioning not only in the professional sphere but also in other areas of social life. This article presents, based on the literature, an overview of the main symptoms of occupational burnout and selected risk factors often associated with this disturbing syndrome.

Key words: occupational burnout, burnout symptoms, risk factors.

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