Hanna Chrzanowska precursor of polish family nursing – a testimony of her life

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Beata Dziedzic, Zofia Sienkiewicz, Tomasz Kryczka, Dorota Koper

1 (75) 2020 s. 72–76
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20883/pielpol.2020.9

Fraza do cytowania: Dziedzic B, Sienkiewicz Z, Kryczka T, Koper D Hanna Chrzanowska precursor of polish family nursing – a testimony of her life. Piel Pol. 2020;1(75):72–76. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20883/pielpol.2020.9

Hanna Chrzanowska, an extraordinary woman, a Polish nurse who lived in the years 1902–1973. Aim of the study was presentation of the life of Hanna Chrzanowska, precursor of Polish family nursing. Hanna Chrzanowska’s life was a testimony of love, faith, care and help to others and years of work connected with helping another man. She had an incredible charisma and the gift of winning people, which made her above average. She was the creator of Polish environmental nursing, the author of a number of articles, textbooks, a teacher involved in the substantive preparation of students to practice the nursing profession, she took care of the continuous development and increase of the level of education. The indicated activity of Chrzanowska in many areas is comparable to the ideology of Florence Nightingale. Hanna Chrzanowska was the most outstanding personality and heroine of Polish nursing. After her departure, her ministry did not end, her posthumous testimonies were recognized and in 2018 she was blessed. It is worth for the world knowing the life and deeds of this unique person – a nurse.

Key words: Hanna Chrzanowska, nursing, vocation, Florence Nightingale.

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