The influence of family behaviours on children’s nutritional behaviours

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Renata Rasińska, Alicja Głowacka-Rębała

1 (47) 2013 s. 12–17
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Fraza do cytowania: Rasińska R, Głowacka-Rębała A The influence of family behaviours on children’s nutritional behaviours. Piel Pol. 2013;1(47):12–17.

Introduction. Overweight and obesity are a rapidly increasing problem of public health. In Poland and all over the world the frequency of obesity and overweight occurrence in children and adults increases. Health behaviours are the result of socialization and can be trained from the earliest years of life. Aim. The aim of the research was to analyse the influence of family behaviours on children’s nutritional behaviours. The analysis included the family behaviuors during meals and during family ceremonies. Material and methods. The research was implemented in a group of children aged 8–13 years, using the author’s own questionnaire on nutritional behaviours. The results show that respondents frequently declare that they usually consume main meals together at the table, however, sometimes children eat alone. They admit that during meals they often watch TV, listen to the radio and play computer games. Except for the most commonly used verbal awards, some families used sweets as prizes. Moreover, children mostly receive sweets on the occasion of family celebrations and holidays. Parents reward children with sweets for good grades and behavior. Results. To summarize, among children and their parents the principle should be distributed that sweets are food, not the prize, punishment and comfort, and they should not become substitutes for other food or a form of activity. The role of parents is to show their children correct principles of health behaviours. As a result of pressure by consumer organizations the number of unhealthy food commercials, broadcast in the television prime time, should be reduced. An important element of the public policy favouring public health is to create conditions for physical activity, and encourage children and adolescents to take it up.

Key words: nutritional behaviours, children.

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