Nursing care of a patient after colostomy surgery in the course of sigmoid colon cancer – a case study

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Katarzyna Bodziony, Elżbieta Kania, Jolanta Burgieł

2 (92) 2024 s. 70–77
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Fraza do cytowania: Bodziony K, Kania E, Burgieł J Nursing care of a patient after colostomy surgery in the course of sigmoid colon cancer – a case study. Piel Pol. 2024;2(92):70–77. DOI:

Introduction. The establishment of an intestinal stoma requires the implementation of specialized actions by the entire interdisciplinary team. An appropriate approach to the patient, providing support and implementing educational activities are of key importance in planning comprehensive patient care. Aim. The aim was to present the nursing care of a patient after a colostomy procedure in the course of sigmoid colon cancer. Case study. The study involved a 63-year-old woman after sigmoidectomy with simultaneous colostomy due to colorectal cancer. A number of nursing problems were diagnosed covering the patient’s biopsychosocial sphere. Conclusions. Caring for a patient with an intestinal stoma requires implementing a holistic approach with particular emphasis on changes in the patient’s psyche and overall body image. It is essential to identify the patient’s needs. The basic task of nursing is to implement advanced medical activities and procedures in accordance with the latest standards and current knowledge based on facts.

Key words: colostomy, sigmoid colon cancer, nursing care, case study.

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