Physical recreation as an aspection of healthy lifestyle in youlth’s opinion

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Ewa Szczepanowska, Lila Pławińska, Beata Korzeniewska

3 (53) 2014 s. 222–227
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Fraza do cytowania: Szczepanowska E, Pławińska L, Korzeniewska B Physical recreation as an aspection of healthy lifestyle in youlth’s opinion. Piel Pol. 2014;3(53):222–227.

Introduction. Health and good physical condition care appeared not only a fashion but also a lifestyle through pro-health behaviors, e.g. physical activity. It contributes to better intellectual efficiency, a sense of own value, faith in oneself and overcoming stress. Aim. The aim of this work is to introduce kinds of physical recreation preferred by secondary school youth, and additionally – an attempt to determine sources of information about active spending leisure time in the place of living, and motives and frequency of undertaking physical recreation by students. Material and methods. Studies were carried out among 262 secondary school students (142 girls and 120 boys) around Stargard Szczeciński in 2013. The method of diagnostic poll with anonymous questionnaire was used. Collected responses were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively with regard to the gender of subjects. Results and conclusions. The half of subject girls (50,%) declared undertaking of physical activity several times a week, and every sixth secondary school student (16,7%) – every day. Secondary school students obtained information about possibilities of practicing physical recreation in the place of living from friends (girls – 43,7%; boys – 45,0%). Girls preferred sport team games (19,0%), and over one fourth of their peers chosen soccer (28,3%). The analysis of collected responses confirmed formulated hypotheses. Respondents participated in physical recreation as in one from many aspects of healthy lifestyle. Additionally, they declared the will to undertake physical activity in future.

Key words: physical recreation, youth, healthy lifestyle.

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