Edyta Kędra - published articles

The list of articles published by Edyta Kędra.

Title, authors Digital version (PDF)
Stressors and the risk of professional burnout in the nurses’ work
Edyta Kędra, Małgorzata Nowocień
The plan of nursing care of babies born prematurely with respiratory disorders, ventilated mechanically. Case study
Lucyna Sochocka, Edyta Kędra, Daria Bensz
Evaluation of life quality of people’s with multiple sclerosis families/caregivers in the light of the study
Edyta Kędra, Maria Borczykowska-Rzepka, Joanna Wilusz
Planning nursing care of the geriatric patient after endoprothesoplastic surgery who lives in a home environment – case study
Lucyna Monika Sochocka, Edyta Kędra, Patryk Gawlik

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