Jan Nowomiejski - published articles

The list of articles published by Jan Nowomiejski.

Title, authors Digital version (PDF)
The social campaigns as symptom of educational activities
Renata Rasińska, Iwona Nowakowska, Jan Nowomiejski
The indification of the students’ state of health and their opinion on health threats
Renata Rasińska, Iwona Nowakowska, Jan Nowomiejski
Distribution of pharmaceutical and medical devices in a hospital pharmacy
Jan Nowomiejski, Renata Rasińska, Artur Przybył
Anaysis of a burnout phenomena of medical staff
Karina Parużyńska, Jan Nowomiejski, Renata Rasińska
Distribution system in the pharmaceutical market
Błażej Janicki, Jan Nowomiejski, Renata Rasińska

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