Issue 2 (92) 2024

The list of articles published in selected issue. Click on the article to show its details or download complete digital version of article (in PDF file).

Digital version of issue (in PDF file): 2_92_2024.pdf

Pages Title, authors Digital version (PDF)
55–62 Nurses' expectations related to their professional work
Barbara Grabowska-Fudala, Anna Smelkowska, Magdalena Łopata, Sylwia Kabacińska, Krystyna Jaracz
63–69 Care of a patient with melodysplastic syndrome – a case study
Magdalena Stachowiak, Katarzyna Plagens-Rotman, Justyna Jaskulska
70–77 Nursing care of a patient after colostomy surgery in the course of sigmoid colon cancer – a case study
Katarzyna Bodziony, Elżbieta Kania, Jolanta Burgieł
78–83 Management and care of a patient with pulmonary embolism – case study
Zofia Maria Borowczyk, Monika Pyszczorska

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